We are a group of students and professionals who are dedicated to the representation of the University of Maine within the Cybersecurity community. What started in 2009 as a group of friends who loved technology has evolved into a diverse community of students with a network of professional contacts who work in every part of the Information Technology industry. We compete in events across New England, maintain a lab on campus, host learning labs, and even run our own local competitions.
Joining the team is as simple as introducing yourself in our Discord server or coming to one of our weekly meetings. Take a look at our calendar to see when and where every one of our events are taking place.
If you're looking to join right at the beginning of the fall semester, you can find us at the Student Involvement Fair which is scheduled for Wednesday September 4th from 10AM to 2PM of this year. We also have our open house scheduled for 5:30PM on that same day in the Hill Auditorium (lower part of Barrows Hall) where you can meet new and existing members and grab some pizza.
During the school year we meet every Wednesday at 5:30PM in the Hill Auditorium (located in the lower part of Barrows Hall and with a remote option for those who can't make it in person) as well as Saturdays at 1PM in the Hackerspace (located in the bottom floor of the Union; remote option varies by lab) during which we host educational labs covering the basics of the cybersecurity industry.
Check out our Discord for announcements and meeting links and add the UMCST schedule to your @maine.edu calendar so you don't miss any of our events! If you can't make a meeting, feel free to message us in our Discord or reach out on one of our socials. We're always welcoming new members!